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Travel Guide Budget and Itinerary for Batad

Batad is a nature lover's dream destination. Its beautiful rice terraces are remotely located and takes effort to explore. The town has a bucolic ambiance that is completely different from the frenetic pace of city life.

Read this budget and itinerary for Batad.

Guide to Batad

I enjoyed detaching from the hustle and bustle of the city while in Batad. The remote village had poor mobile phone and Internet reception. It was quiet and life was very simple. The trek around the rice terraces was challenging. We had to walk on narrow walkways and uneven steps with ascents and descents. We went to the view deck which offered spectacular views. Tappiya Falls had ice cold water but was refreshing.

Getting Around Batad

Trekking is the only way to get around the village. There's a P20 environmental fee. You also have to pay a P1400 guide fee to trek the rice terraces, the view point and Tappiya Falls.

How to Go to Batad

You'll have to go to Banaue first before reaching Batad. Ohayami Transit has overnight trips from Manila to Banaue, the first one leaving at 8:00 PM. You can find their terminal near UST. Try booking a ticket before your date. Fare is approximately P450.

Ohayami Transit contact details:

Once Banaue, go to the jeep terminal near the public market. The departure times of the jeeps vary depending on the number of passengers. There is a trip that leaves at 3:00 PM, an additional trip departs at 9:00 AM during the summer. The trip takes around 45 minutes and fare is approximately P150. The drop off point is past the saddle and around 500m or a short trek from the village. You can also charter a tricycle for around P400 to P500 and up to three passengers. You can rent a jeep for P1500 for up to 10 passengers.

Catch the public jeep on the main road to Banaue, this leaves at around 9:00 AM daily. You can also go to the saddle which is around 6 km away from the village to get on a jeep or tricycle back to Banaue.

*Book your return ticket to Manila from Banaue because these sell out quickly.

Where to Stay in Batad

Accommodation is very cheap in Batad, it is better to book online or reserve before going.

Budget for Batad

*Everything's in Philippine peso

900 - Bus Manila to Banaue round trip
500 - Tricycle fare from Banaue to Batad round trip (shared with at least one other person)
700 - Guide fee (shared with at least one other person)
800 - Food and drinks
250 - Overnight accommodation
20 - Environmental fee                                                 

3170 - Total

The larger your group is, the more money you'll likely save. Try going with other people to reduce the guide fee costs during your trip. You can also split the tricycle fare and save more money.

*Bring more than enough cash for the entire trip.

Itinerary for Batad

Day 0

Depart Manila to Banaue

Day 1

Arrive in Banaue
Depart for Batad
Trek from Saddle Point to village
Check-in accommodation
Trekking activities

Day 2

Trek to Saddle Point
Depart Saddle Point to Banaue
Depart Banaue for Manila

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